Monday, September 26, 2011

Beavers and volunteers reconstruct Manchester, VT after Irene devastation

9/3/11 - 9/5/11 - With more than 200 roads and bridges closed after the devastating flooding and runoff from Tropical Storm Irene, Vermont was quite literally back in business quickly. Within one week, only about 20 roads and bridges were closed in the state. By Columbus Day, the group calling itself "We are Vermont Strong" had rallied to ensure strong tourism for the state's busiest and most profitable weekend of the year.

My visit to the Manchester, VT area with Henry included a hike to Antone Mtn (2600') in the Merck Forest (Rupert, VT), a maple sap vat in the Merck Forest, browsing at Northshire Bookstore, canoeing, watching beavers at dusk off of Route 11 in Peru, VT, and holding my breath as my car nearly flooded and stalled on the drive back to route 91.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clear view of Mt. Washington from Mt. Pierce's summit

9/10/11 - The view of Crawford Path toward Mts. Eisenhower and Washington from the summit of Mt. Pierce was clear. Stunning. And enticing. I yearned to continue on.

We ate lunch on the sheltered summit and took group photos. I chatted with Rick D, a leader from the AMC NH chapter with whom I've hiked in the past. He's the one who nicknamed me "Nickelback Vicki".

6.0 miles, 2,392' elevation gain
Summit: Mt. Pierce (4,312')
Route: Crawford Path