Sunday, September 20, 2009

Haunted Hiking in NH - Madame Sherri Forest

The estate of Madame Sherri is meant to be haunted. It is in ruins today, but in its time it was an exotic stone castle in Chesterfield, NH that was the summer home of Madame Antoinette Sherri, an eccentric Parisian singer who is rumored to have had a pet monkey and visited town wearing nothing but her fur coat.

I didn't hear any, but some visitors to this forest report hearing voices, music and the sounds of parties from a long time passed. Occasionally a visitor will even encounter the ghost of Madame Sherrie, beautiful and young, gracefully descending the stone stairway which still stands today.

The outdoor pool she built is so massive it looks like a pond. It's overgrown now, but it's easy to imagine what it was like in the 1920s when it was built with the house.

From the ruined estate, the Ann Stokes Loop is a pleasant 2-mile hike featuring exceptional views of Vernon Yankee (from East Hill ledge) and of Indian Pond (not a good swimming spot; it's reportedly full of leeches!) You can also reach the summits of either Daniels Mtn or Wantastiquet Mountain.

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