Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dorr and Cadillac Mountains in Acadia, ME

10/9/10: The most beautiful, gorgeous hike! Woo hoo! One of my top two New England hikes of all-time!

Giant stone steps on Emery Path nearly all the way to the summit of Dorr Mountain, in a deciduous and conifer forest including many white birch trees. Increasingly better views of Frenchman Bay and the four Porcupine Islands and the two cruise ships du jour.

Very windy on Mt. Door. Could see Cadillac Mountain in the distance and people looked like little ants on top. Fred Field, the Boston Globe photographer, took photos of the group at the Dorr summit and on our departure for Cadillac Mountain, and then bid us adieu. [The photo appeared on the front of a special section, "Living Longer, Living Better," in the Sunday Boston Globe on 10-31-10.]

In col between the mountains, we saw beautiful rocks on the side of Dorr Mountain.

Fairly steep descent from Mt. Dorr to the col.

Seemingly a mile of flat giant granite slabs when leaving the summit of Cadillac Mountain. Passed near the auto road. Views to the south of the ocean. Lovely. Then a bit more difficult (scrambling over rocks) once we joined the Canon Brook Trail.

Thanks to AMC Boston Chapter leader Barbara Fay for a truly memorable trip!
~6 miles, ~1,500' elevation gain.
Route: Emery Path, Schiff Path, Ladder Trail to Dorr and Cadillac; Cadillac South Ridge Trail to Canon Brook Trail to road (1 mile on Route 3)
Summits: Dorr Mountain (1265') and Cadillac Mountain (1,528')

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